Supporting International and Local Bands and Fashion.
The UnderTaker

The UnderTaker
Saturday, 9 February 2013
New Begginings
Hey Followers...
Long time no... write?! Anyway, alots happened since i last posted. Alot of personal issues have aroused but finally everything is resolved.
I hope you all had a fantastic christmas and new years. Spent with friends and family.... the joys of holidays.
Well, I hope you have a fantastic year, and that you get one step closer to your dreams.
I have a new website, its www.undertaker.co.za (please feel free to browse it) Thanks. :D
Until Next Time....
The UnderTaker
Monday, 22 October 2012
Laptop Problems
Hey Followers
Please forgive my absence. the blogspots new format wasn't working on my laptop so I did what any girl would do.... use someone else's laptop. :)
Anyway, I thought I would put up a cute post before I delve into the depths of whats happened.
Until Next Time...
The UnderTaker
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Game of Thrones Continued...
Hey Followers
I just recently heard that the second season of this wonderful series has not finished!!! Apparently they took a break and will resume shooting sometime this week. Isn't this wonderful news?!
I can't Wait.
Until Next Time...
The UnderTaker
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Game Of Thrones
Hey Followers
Cant believe i just finished the second season of Game Of Thrones. Frankly as much as i loved the series (biggest fan ever) i didnt like how the second season ended. For me it felt like it was just left hanging, there wasnt really any suspense or conclusion to this chapter of the story.
The costumes were as amazing as ever, am completely inspired by the costume designer for this series. I bow down while applauding to the costume designer.
Regardless of everything that was nagging behind my mind about this series, i absolutely loved it and it was an incredible first two seasons.
Cant wait till the third season....
Until Next time...
The UnderTaker
Saturday, 7 July 2012
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movie
Hey Followers
Just thought i would update my very poor version of a blog. I thought i would let you in on one of the best films to come out this year so far. Its about love, sadness, loyalty and standing up for what you believe in... whether it is in someone else or in a dream.
This movie was so inspiring that i encourage many of you to watch atleast once.
Until Next Time...
The UnderTaker
Saturday, 28 April 2012
The Vampire Lestat
Hey Followers
Was just watching 'The Queen of the Damned' and was so inspired by the sexy vampire Lestat (I know it was just Stuart Townsend) but his sensual glances, his growling voice and his fabulous dress sense just drew me in.
This movie could turn anyone into a vampire lover. A REAL vampire, not sparkly Edward Cullen vampire. Anyway, After watching this film i really wanted to dress like him, with all that sensually appealing leather and shimmer fabrics. Black with different textures can be highly appealing to many people, adding into the mix a tortured soul expression and you'll have all the females at your feet. Ha ha
Anyway, if your in need of some inspiration just give this movie a chance. The look does run along the lines of the Goth but you will notice that they keep Lestat's clothing more simple and sophisticated instead of heavy studding, tattoo's and hair dye.
Until Next Time...
The UnderTaker
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
B.A.P. New On The Scene...
Hey Followers
I have fallen in love with a new Korean band.... B.A.P (aka Best. Absolute. Perfect), I know what your thinking... these guys could tone down on their egos. I totally agree, but we idolise people with nicknames like Pink, Lady Gaga and for the older generation Sting, so i think we could cut these boys some slack.
This band consists of six members, Bang Yong Guk,Kim Himchan, Jung Daehyun, Yoo Youngjae, Moon Jong Up (my fav) and Choi Jun Hong (Zelo). All are from South Korea and were signed up by TS Entertainment this year.
On the 26th of January 2012 they came out with their single 'Warrior' and in February released their debut album 'Warrior' (EP)
Be sure to watch these boys, their moves are incredible!!! They are going to rise to fame pretty quickly.
Now a little EYE CANDY of Moon Jong Up for the ladies.........
Moon Jong Up's Abs!!!
Hey don't judge, you know you liked it too!!!
Until Next Time...
The UnderTaker
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